people::big words
Random rants and occasional raves on life outside metropolitan Finland.
Saturday, June 28, 2003
The Daily Loaf, edition the first
I was going to put up a nice Movable Type -powered blog, but since I'm a lazy bastard, the easiest option ended up winning. I was also mightily impressed by Janne Jalkanen's wikiblog, but such niceties are out-of-reach for someone at my level of techno-savvyness. That, and I don't have a server on which to run the necessary components. Ai ya.
A few words on why I created this blog; I first mentioned the idea to Jaakko and Joc in Sodankylä , thinking this might be a nice way of venting my anger and frustration at myself and the world at large. I know I haven't tried hard enough to keep myself together during the last few months, but some of you might know how these issues play out. It's a vicious circle of self-loathing and depression. Here's hoping this'll break it up. Thank you, Neil Miller, for In Search of Gay America . And cheers, everybody!