people::big words
Random rants and occasional raves on life outside metropolitan Finland.
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
All Quiet on the Northern Front.
And that's because nothing much has happened. Tampere was as much fun as it was emotionally straining last weekend, a couple of friends almost broke up and another almost got dumped before his first date, but everything seems to be OK on both accounts now that a few days have passed. Also, I set up an IRC-Gallery account for my sister (14), and she thought I had coold pictures there. Since my profile shows I'm only on two channels ( and #fingay), I also quite effectively came out of the closet to her - which I only hadn't done explicitly, the circumstantial evidence has been there for quite a while, and I'm constantly surprised at how very, very smart she's turning out.
I finally saw Bruce Almighty. Jim Carrey was a hoot, but then he almost always is. His kind of physical humour has always been one of my favourites. I was hooked on Danny Kaye movies when I was a kid. The Finnish Broadcasting Company, YLE, reran some flick of his some weeks back; had he been that obviously gay when I was a kid?
The weekend ended much too soon, but I'm enjoying the long drives up here more and more, they give me time to organise my thoughts. Matti realised Monday afternoon that his Summer RailPass was going to go sour if he didn't start using it right away, so he came over for a brief visit. An impromptu photo shoot on the way to Ylivieska resulted in a couple of nice pics, and I even managed to be there on time, but only because I trailed a tuned-up Opel Calibra, whose driver obviously believed speed limits are only suggestions after sunset.
Before Matti continued on to Oulu, we had time for plenty of wholesome countryside activities including a midnight swim at the reservoir, a grand tour of the factories, and gayspotting at Iso Kärkkäinen. The results: an elderly male couple shopping for orchids at the florist and two guys, one cute, the other dashingly handsome, having lunch at the same TexMex joint as Matti and I. You don't fool the good ol' 'dar by wearing socks with sandals, nay!