people::big words
Random rants and occasional raves on life outside metropolitan Finland.
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
heat make me crazy
I'm referring to Ernie's post in June about the Berkeley heat wave. In an office without A/C, I'm chugging down water like a baby elephant, and more often than not my thought wanders off from actual work.
That's enough of a reason for me not to post anything sensible and coherent today, so I'll just show you a few pics from yesterday's divinely refreshing visit to the Hautaperä flood control reservoir, a few kilometers from downtown.
Mind the lack of thumbnails. I only picked the ones I thought were worth your viewing, anyway.
- Stone and flora bathing in sunlight.
- Ripples on the surface.
- Water creeping up the rock.
- Soft ligth filtering through the foliage.
- Here Goes The Sun (would make a nice desktop background.)
Also, not being able to work very efficiently hasn't bothered me too much, since I've been distracted by a Brazilian photoblog. Unaesthetically inclined straight men needn't apply.