people::big words
Random rants and occasional raves on life outside metropolitan Finland.
Monday, August 04, 2003
Ponsa-Pinsiö-Pariisi in a few short days.
I was busy for the latter half of last week and couldn't post, as my work took me to the Farmari '03 Agricultural Fair of Finland, in Oulu. I mostly did some reconnaissance work, checking out the competition and talking to potential customers. The weather was tropical, which didn't stop me from joining a few local gay acquaintances (thanks to Matti who'd done some recon of his own a few weeks back) and attending my first-ever 1990's theme party (I dub thee ysäribileet) at the Hot Night Club (hot turned out to be quite a literal description).
We partied outrageously to Dr Alban, Alexia, Dj Bobo, Captain Jack and, most importantly, up-and-coming '90's pastiche dance music group Chorale, from Toijala... I was rolling in tears of laughter when these extremely straight acting and looking ice-hockey-player types with a pinch of snuff up their lips started lipsynching to the inane lyrics of Yön susta unta nään. Bizarre, but refreshing too, that my first '90's party wasn't in dtm but in Oulu! It must've been still in the 1990's that I last visited an explicitly straight night club - although my new and improved countryside gaydar did catch a few blips and some booms over the course of the evening. I would've loved to stay, as Oulu turned out to be much more of a city than I had expected, but then, it has only surprised me positively so far.
Janne's new game set in contemporary Bay City, MI, is promising more and more as we seem to be getting to the meat. With just one player besides myself, Markus, the level of emotional involvement is even higher than in Markus's Trinity, which I previously had considered to be the hallmark of intensity. After the game we headed to Simo's cozy house warming party, and later in the evening I hooked up with some friends at dtm. Sunday it was slacking and road tripping time again. Unlike Friday, I had some company on this journey, as Pauli and Tomi were kicking off their holidays by visiting Tomi's parents in central Finland.
Tomorrow: Episcopalians get it right where Anglicans didn't, and Cherie Blair dances the funky chicken.